Simpsons Wiki

marges warning

"hello everyone. Before lasts years halloween show. I warned you not to let your children watch. But you did anyway. Hmm. well, this year's episode is even worse;it's scarier and more violent and I think they snuck in some bad languege, too. so, please tuck in your children and...Well, if you didn't listen to me the last time, you'r not going to now. Enjoy the show."


When Homer, Lisa, Bart come back from Trick-or-Treating, they get a load of candy. Marge tells them not to eat too much or they'll get nightmares. The all scoff at her, bu they do have nigthmares.

  • Lisa's nightmare: The Simpsons visit Morroco and Homer buys a mysterious monkey's paw that grants wishes. Homer wishes for fame and fortune, but everyone dislikes them since they're so famous. Lisa wishes for world peace, but when Kang and Kodos see that the earth in vomerable, they attack. Maggie then wishes for a golden paccifier. Homer throws the paw away and Ned Flanders finds it. He wishes that the alians would leave and that he lived in a castle.
  • Bart's nightmare: Bart is a boy who's able to bend reality with his mind and he will turn anyone who thinks badly about him into a creature. Marge tells Homer Bart's out of control and Homer goes to him. Bart then turns him into a jack-in-the-box. They start to spend quality time and Bart becomes less mean and turns Homer back to normal.
  • Homer's nightmare: Homer is fired from his job and he becomes a grave digger. He falls asleep in an open grave. Mr. Burns and Smithers think he's dead and take him to thier lab to take out his brain and put it in a robot. The robot then acts like Homer and they try to destroy it. The robot falls on Mr. Burns and crushes him and his head is sweded to Homer's body. Homer wakes up and realizes it was a dream....or was it?


  • Marge: "Homer, where'd you get the monkey's paw?"
  • Homer: "I got it from the stand...over..there."

{points to a guts of wind blowing sand}

  • Homer: "Oh, wait. It's over there."

Template:Season 3
